JBS 27, 1988-41, 2002

Journal of British Studies (JBS)
vol. 27, 1988 – vol. 41, 2002

bearbeitet von Stuart Jenks

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JBS 27, 1988
Beverley LEMIRE, Consumerism in Preindustrial and Early Industrial England: The Trade in Secondhand Clothes, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 1
Patricia C. SWENSEN, Patronage from the Privy Chamber: Sir Anthony Denny and Religious Reform, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 25
James OLDHAM, New Light on Mansfield and Slavery, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 45
Stanford E. LEHMBERG, The Knight Does Not Kneel [Review Article], in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 69
Karl S. BOTTIGHEIMER, The New New Irish History [Review Article], in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 72
Peter G. LAKE, Serving God and the Times: The Calvinist Conformity of Robert Sanderson, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 81
David LIEBERMAN, Blackstone's Science of Legislation, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 117
L. Perry CURTIS, Moral and Physical Force: The Language of Violence in Irish Nationalism, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 150
Thomas F. MAYER, Reform and Revisionism in the Study of Henrician England [Review Article], in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 190
James E. CRONIN, The British State and the Sturcture of Political Opportunity, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 199
Susan Kingsley KENT, The Politics of Sexual Difference: World War I and the Demise of British Feminism, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 232
Martin PUGH, Popular Conservatism in Britain: Continuity and Change, 1880-1987, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 254
Kenneth D. WALD, Advance by Retreat? The Formation of British Labour's Electoral Strategy, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 283
Peter T. MARSH, The Fragmentation of Liberalism [Review Article], in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 315
Alfred GOLLIN, Assessing Lloyd George [Review Article], in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 321
John A. PHILLIPS, From Municipal Matters to Parliamentary Principles: Eighteenth-Century Borough Politics in Maidstone, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 327
Barrett L. BEER, John Stow and Tudor Rebellions, 1549-1569, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 352
Howard M. WACH, Culture and the Middle Classes: Popular Knowledge in Industrial Manchester, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 375
Stephen J. VALONE, “There Must Be Some Misunderstanding”: sir Edward Grey's Diplomacy of August 1, 1914, in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 405
Joel T. ROSENTHAL, Support Your Local Community [Review Article], in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 425
Bentley Brinkerhoff GILBERT, The Reappearance of Twentieth-Century History [Review Article], in: JBS 27, 1988, p. 429

JBS 28, 1989
Nacy Klein MAGUIRE, The Theatrical Mask/Masque of Politics: The Case of Charles I, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 1
J.A. JAFFE, The “Chiliasm of Despair” Reconsidered: Revivalism and Working-Class Agitation in County Durham, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 23
William WEBER, The 1784 Handel Commemoration as Political Ritual, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 43
Norman L. JONES, Religion and Politics in Tudor England [Review Article], in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 70
George L. BERNSTEIN, The Origins of Liberal Politics, 1830-1874 [Review Article], in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 75
J.D. ALSOP, Etihics in the Marketplace: Gerrard Winstanley's London Bankruptcy, 1643, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 97
Ned LANDSMAN, Evangelists and Their Hearers: Popular Interpretation of Revivialism Preaching in Eighteenth-Century Scotland, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 120
Philippa LEVINE, “So Few Prizes and So Many Blanks”: Marriage and Feminism in Later Nineteenth-Century England, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 150
Cynthia HERRUP, Beyond Personality and Pomp: Recent Works on Early Modern Monarchies [Review Article], in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 175
Margot C. FINN, An Elect Nation? Nation, State and Class in Modern British History [Review Article], in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 181
Standish MEACHAM, Looking for the Left [Review Article], in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 191
Gerald JORDAN; Nicholas ROGERS, Admirals as Heroes: Patriotism and Liberty in Hanoverian England, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 201
Gregory CLAEYS, Mazzini, Kossuth and British Radicalism, 1848-1854, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 225
Charles TOWNSHEND, Military Force and Civil Authority in the United Kingdom, 1914-1921, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 262
P.G. LAKE, The Impact of Early Modern Protestantism [Review Article], in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 293
J.S. HART, Provincial Politics and Government in Stuart England [Review Article], in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 304
David FELDMAN, Class or Conjuncture? Explanations and Deductions of Liberal Politics [Review Article], in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 312
S.K. WALKER, Lordship and Lawlessness in the Palatinate of Lancaster, 1370-1400, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 325
Kathleen WILSON, Inventing Revolution: 1688 and Eighteenth-Century Popular Politics, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 349
Richard G. WEEKS Jr., Disraeli as Political Egoist: A Literary and Historical Investigation, in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 387
Jon BUTLER, Transatlantic Pieties: Connections and Disconnections [Review Article], in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 411
Michael DINTENFASS, The Rise and Fall of Risk Taking [Review Article], in: JBS 28, 1989, p. 427

JBS 29, 1990
W.M. ORMROD, The Peasants' Revolt and the Government of England, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 1
David CRESSY, The Protestant Calendar and the Vocabulary of Celebration in Early Modern England, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 31
Peter J. JUPP, The Landed Elite and Political Authority in Britain, ca. 1760-1850, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 53
Susan Swyer AMUSSEN, Early Modern Social History in Perspective [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 80
Anthony BRUNDAGE, Radicalism, Repression and Reform in the “Age of Improvement”: Some Recent Studies [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 85
Ralph V. TURNER, Changing Perceptions of the New Administrative Class in Anglo-Norman and Angevin England: The Curiales and Their Conservative Critics, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 93
Lotte MULLIGAN; Judith RICHARDS, A “Radical” Problem: The Poor and the English Reformers in the Mid-Seventeenth Century, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 118
Tim KEIRN; Frank T. MELTON, Thomas Manley and the Rate-of-Interest Debate, 1668-1673, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 147
David ROBERTS, Victorian Liberalism [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 173
Seth KOVEN, An Apostolic Succession? Arnold Toynbee and Toynbee Hall [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 181
Thomas COGSWELL, The Politics of Propaganda: Charles I and the People in the 1620s, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 187
J.D. ALSOP, Reinterpreting the Elizabethan Commons: The Parliamentary Session of 1566, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 216
John M. THEILMANN, Political Canonization and Political Symbolism in Medieval England, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 241
Henry HORWITZ, The Poltical Economy of War [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 276
Abraham D. KRIEGEL, Biography and the Politics of the Early Nineteenth Century [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 281
Arthur H. WILLIAMSON, From the Invention of Great Britain to the Creation of British History: A New Historiography [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 267
L. HAYS; E.D. JONES, Policy on the Run: Henry II and Irish Sea Diplomacy, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 293
Mary L. ROBERTSON, Profit and Purpose in the Development of Thomas Cromwell's Landed Estates, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 317
Robert von FRIEDEBURG, Reformation of Manners and the Social Composition of Offenders in an East Anglian Cloth Village: Earls Colne, Essex, 1531-1642, in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 347
Scott L. WAUGH, Patronage, War and Society in Medieval England [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 386
Victor L. STATER, Reconstructing the Restoration [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 393
Alan TAYLOR, An Atlantic People [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 402
Joseph P. WARD, Reinterpeting the Consumer Revolution [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 408
Peter STANSKY, The British Way with Culture [Review Article], in: JBS 29, 1990, p. 414

JBS 30, 1991
Diarmaid MACCULLOCH, The Myth of the English Reformation, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 1
Mark GOLDIE, The Scottish Catholic Enlightenment, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 20
Jonathan SCHNEER, Politics of Feminism in “Outcast London”: George Lansbury and Jane Cobden's Campaign for the First London County Council, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 63
Robin Chapman STACEY, Beowolf and the Bureaucrats [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 83
Maria DOWLING, New Perspectives on the English Reformation [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 99
Judith S. LEWIS, Separate Spheres: Threat or Promise? [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 105
R. Malcolm SMUTS, The Court and Its Neighborhood: Royal Policy and Urban Growth in the Early Stuart West End, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 117
Paul MONOD, Dangerous Merchandise: Smuggling, Jacobitism and Commercial Culture in Southeast England, 1690-1760, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 150
James Stephen TAYLOR, A Different Kind of Speenhamland: Nonresident Relief in the Industrial Revolution, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 183
John LANGDON, Bringing It All Together: Medieval English Economic History in Transition [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 209
S.J. GUNN, Literature and Politics in Early Tudor England [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 216
Richard F. TEICHGRAEBER, “Professionalism” and the Publishing Boom in British History [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 221
Sherri OLSON, Jurors of the Village Court: Local Leadership Before and After the Plague in Ellington, Huntingdonshire, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 237
David L. SMITH, The Fourth Earl of Dorset and the Perosnal Rule of Charles I, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 257
R.O. BUCHOLZ, “Nothing but Ceremony”: queen Anne and the Limitations of Royal Ritual, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 288
Richard CUST, Revising the High Politics of Early Stuart England [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 324
Albion M. URDANK, Evangelicalism in Modern England [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 333
Julian HOPPIT, A Very Polite and Commercial People [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 345
David NICHOLLS, Richard Cobden and the International Peace Congress Movement, 1848-1853, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 351
S.J.D. GREEN, The Religion of the Child in Edwardian Methodism: Industrial Reform and Pedagogical Reappraisal in the West Riding of Yorkshire, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 377
Mark A. KISHLANSKY, Saye No More, in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 399
Robert BARTLETT, Lordship and Law in Medieval England [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 449
Charles L. COHEN, The Plane Truth about Early English Protestantism [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 454
Philippa LEVINE, When Method Matters: Women Historians, Feminist Historians [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 459
R.W. DAVIS, Most Superior Persons: David Cannadine and the British Aristocracy [Review Article], in: JBS 30, 1991, p. 466

JBS 31, 1992
Eric Josef CARLSON, Clerical Marriage and the English Reformation, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 1
Michael MACDONALD, The Fearefull Estate of Francis Spira: Narrative, Identity and Emotion in Early Modern England, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 32
Anna CLARK, The Rhetoric of Chartist Domesticity: Gender, Language and Class in the 1830s and 1840s, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 62
James A. JAFFE, Agency and Ideology in Modern British Social History [Review Article], in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 89
Annabel PATTERSON, The Egalitarian Giant: Representations of Justice in History / Literature, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 97
Michael MENDLE, The Great Council of Parliament and the First Ordinances: The Constitutional Theory of the Civil War, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 133
Jon LAWRENCE, Popular Radicalism and the Socialist Revival in Britain, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 163
Robert TITTLER, Harmony in the Metropolis: Writings on Medieval and Tudor London and Westminster [Review Article], in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 187
J.V. BECKETT, Life and Leisure in Early Modern England [Review Article], in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 191
Jeffrey COX, On the Limits of Social History: Nineteenth-Century Evangelicalism [Review Article], in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 198
Lorraine ATTREED, Arbitration and the Growth of Urban Liberties in Late Medieval England, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 205
Margo TODD, Puritan Self-fashioning: The Diary of Samuel Ward, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 236
David EASTWOOD, Robert Southey and the Meanings of Patriotism, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 265
Lawrence E. KLEIN, A Time of Progress? [Review Article], in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 294
Walter ARNSTEIN, Religious Victorians [Review Article], in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 300
Cynthia HERRUP, Introduction to the special issue: Britishness and Europeanness: Who Are the British Anyway?, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 307
Linda COLLEY, Britishness and Otherness: An Argument, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 309
R. Merfyn JONES, Beyond Identity? The Reconstruction of the Welsh, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 330
J.G.A. POCOCK, History and Sovereignty: The Historiographical Response to Europeanization in Two British Cultures, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 358
Geoff ELEY, Culture, Britain and Europe, in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 390
Keith M. BROWN, Imagining Scotland [Review Article], in: JBS 31, 1992, p. 415

JBS 32, 1993
Kathleen BIDDICK, Decolonizing the English Past: Readings in Medieval Archaeology and History, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 1
J. Michael HILL, The Origins of the Scottish Plantations in Ulster to 1625: A Reinterpretation, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 24
Philip HARLING; Peter MANDLER, From “Fiscal-Military” State to Laissez-faire State, 1760-1850, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 44
Patrick J. GEARY, Insular Religion? [Review Article], in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 71
Christopher HILL, New Contributions to Seventeenth-Century Social History [Review Article], in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 76
A.W. Brian SIMPSON, Law, Crime and the Victorians [Review Article], in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 83
Barbara J. HARRIS, A New Look at the Reformation: Aristocratic Women and Nunneries, 1450-1540, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 89
Jonathan ROSE, Willingly to School: The Working-Class Response to Elementary Education in Britain, 1875-1918, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 114
Melinda ZOOK, Early Whig Ideology, Ancient Constitutionalism and the Reverend Samuel Johnson, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 139
Scott L. WAUGH, War and Conquest in the Making of Politics in Medieval England [Review Article], in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 166
James EPSTEIN, The Populist Turn [Review Article], in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 177
Alan BRAY, Historians and Sexuality [Review Article], in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 189
Ben. R. MCREE, Charity and Gild Solidarity in Late Medieval England, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 195
Joyce Lee MALCOLM, The Creation of a “True Antient and Indubitable” Right: The English Bill of Rights and the Right to Be Armed, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 226
Eric RICHARDS, How Did Poor People Emigrate from the British Isles of Australia in the Nineteenth Century?, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 250
Albion M. URDANK, Quantification and Social History: A Reply to Jeffrey Cox, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 280
Jeffrey COX, A Reply to Albion Urdank, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 282
James A. BRUNDAGE, The Early Modern Legacy of Medieval Canon Law [Review Article], in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 285
Abraham D. KRIEGEL, Whiggery in the Age of Reform [Review Article], in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 290
Nicholas ROGERS, Introduction to the Special Issue, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 299
Susan E. BROWN, “A Just and Profitable Commerce”: Moral Economy and the Middle Classes in Eighteenth-Century London, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 305
Margaret HUNT, Racism, Imperialism and the Traveler's Gaze in Eighteenth-Century England, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 333
John MONEY, The Masonic Moment; Or, Ritual, Replica and Credit: John Wilkes, the Macaroni Parson and the Making of the Middle-Class Mind, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 358
Dror WAHRMAN, “Middle-Class” Domesticity Goes Public: Gender, Class and Politics from Queen Caroline to Queen Victoria, in: JBS 32, 1993, p. 396

JBS 33, 1994
Harold J. COOK, Good Advice and Little Medicine: The Professional Authority of Early Modern English Physicians, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 1
Tracy C. DAVIS, Laborers of the Nineteenth-Century Theater: The Economies of Gender and Industrial Organization, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 32
Laura TABILI, The Construction of Racial Difference in Twentieth-Century Britain: The Special Restriction (Coloured Alien Seamen) Order, 1925, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 54
Christine CARPENTER, Empiricism and Ideas in Medieval Studies [Review Article], in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 99
Greg WALKER, Rewriting the Court: Politics, Culture and Selfhood in Early Modern England [Review Article], in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 104
Susan THORNE, Fungusamongus: Or, An Imperial Idea without Enemies [Review Article], in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 110
Barbara DONAGAN, Did Ministers Matter? War and Religion in England, 1642-1649, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 119
Antony TAYLOR, Palmerston and Radicalism, 1847-1865, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 157
Elazar BARKAN, Post-Anti-Colonial Histories: Representing the Other in Imperial Britain, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 180
Elaine Tuttle HANSEN, Medieval Literary Studies: A View from the Early 1990s [Review Article], in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 204
J.A. SHARPE, Communities in England, ca. 1180-1700: Local Studies, National Contexts [Review Article], in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 210
Carolyn STEEDMAN, “Muddling Through” [Review Article], in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 215
Newton E. KEY, The Political Culture and Political Rhetoric of County Feasts and Feast Sermons, 1654-1714, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 223
Randall MCGOWEN, Civilizing Punishment: The End of the Public Execution in England, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 257
Martin WIENER, The Unloved State: Twentieth-Century Politics in the Writing of Nineteenth-Century History, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 283
James MASSCHAELE, Reconfiguring the Medieval Economy [Review Article], in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 309
Dan BEAVER, Religion, Politics and Society in Early Modern England: A Problem of Classification [Review Article], in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 314
Susan PEDERSEN, From National Crisis to “National Crisis”: British Politics, 1914-1931 [Review Article], in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 322
Maryanne KOWALESKI, Introduction to the Special Issue: Vill, Guild and Gentry: Forces of Community in Later Medieval England, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 337
Christine CARPENTER, Gentry and Community in Medieval England, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 340
Elaine CLARK, Social Welfare and Mutual Aid in the Medieval Countryside, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 381
Christopher DYER, The English Medieval Village Community and Its Decline, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 407
Gervase ROSSER, Going to the Fraternity Feast: Commensality and Social Relations in Late Medieval England, in: JBS 33, 1994, p. 430

JBS 34, 1995
Susan Dwyer AMUSSEN, Punishment, Discipline and Power: The Social Meanings of Violence in Early Modern England, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 1
Simon CORDERY, Friendly Societies and the Discourse of Respectability in Britain, 1825-1875, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 35
Kirk WILLIS, The Origins of British Nuclear Culture, 1895-1939, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 59
J.D. TOMLINSON, The Iron Quadrilateral: Political Obstacles to Economic Reform under the Attlee Government, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 90
Mary L. ROBERTSON, “Sires remembre we are neyghbours”: English Gentry Communities in the Fifteenth Century [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 112
Kathleen WILSON, Whiggery Assailed and Triumphant: Popular Radicalisms in Hanoverian England [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 118
Kelly BOYD, Moving Pictures? Cinema and Society in Britain [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 130
Alastair BELLANY, A Poem on the Archbishop's Hearse: Puritanism, Libel and Sedition after the Hampton Court Conference, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 137
John SAINSBURY, John Wilkes, Debt and Patriotism, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 165
Janet OPPENHEIM, A Mother's Role, a Daughter's Duty: Lady Blanche Balfour, Eleanor Sidgwick and Feminist Perspectives, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 196
Karn Ordahl KUPPERMAN, The American Colonies: Another British Kingdom [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 277
Barbara TAYLOR, Sexy Stories [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 282
Lisa JARDINE, Going into Labour: From Attlee to Kinnock [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 288
Kathleen PAUL, “British Subjects” and “British Stock”: Labour's Postwar Imperialism, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 233
James EPSTEIN, Victorian Subjects: Introduction, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 295
Peter H. HANSEN, Albert Smith, the Alpine Club and the Invention of Mountaineering in Mid-Victorian Britain, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 300
Jennifer M. LLOYD, Raising Lilies: Ruskin and Women, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 325
Cheryl WALSH, The Incarnation and the Christian Socialist Conscience in the Victorian Church of England, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 351
Anthony S. WOHL, “Dizzi-Ben-Dizzi”: Disraeli as Alien, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 375
Dina M. COPELMAN, Victorian Subjects [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 412
Gail SAVAGE, The Passionate Politics of Marital Conflict: How Do You Get the Story Straight When Everyone Has Their Own? [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 422
Anne Reiber DEWINDT, Witchcraft and Conflicting Visions of the Ideal Village Community, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 427
Wilfrid PREST, William Lambarde, Elizabethan Law Reform and Early Stuart Politics, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 464
Jonathan FULCHER, The Loyalist Response to the Queen Caroline Agitations, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 481
R.J. MORRIS, Computers and the Subversion of British History, in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 503
Janet Senderowitz LOENGARD, Beyond Maitland: The Maturing of a Discipline [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 529
Lois POTTER, The Politics of Language in Early Modern England [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 536
Iorwertth PROTHERO, Reformers, Radicals and Class in England [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 542
Charles TOWNSHEND, Contesting the History of Modern Ireland [Review Article], in: JBS 34, 1995, p. 546

JBS 35, 1996
Paul STROHM, Trade, Treason and the Murder of Janus Imperial, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 1
Henry HOROWITZ; Patrick POLDEN, Continuity or Change in the Court of Chancery in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries?, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 24
Erika D. RAPPAPORT, “The Halls of Temptation”: Gender, Politics and the Construction of the Department Store in Late Victorian London, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 58
Andrew THORPE, The Industrial Meaning of “Gradualism”: the Labour Party and Industry, 1918-1931, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 84
Susan Dwyer AMUSSEN, Women's Voices in Seventeenth-Century England [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 114
Gerald NEWMAN, Nationalism Revisited [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 118
R.W. HOYLE, Maps for Historians: In and Out of Context [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 127
Cynthia HERRUP, Revisionism: What's in a Name?, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 135
Nicholas TYACKE, Anglican Attitudes: Some Recent Writings on English Religious History, from the Reformation to the Civil War, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 139
Johan P. SOMMERVILLE, English and European Political Ideas in the Early Seventeenth Century: Revisionism and the Case of Absolutism, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 168
Nancy J. CURTIN, “Varieties of Irishness”: Historical Revisionism, Irish Style, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 195
Richard PRICE, Historiography, Narrative and the Nineteenth Century, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 220
Susan WABUDA, Revising the Reformation [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 257
John KENYON, Stuart Despotism: Myth or Not? [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 262
Anna CLARK, Contested Space: The Public and Private Spheres in Nineteenth-Century Britain [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 269
G.W. BERNARD, The Fall of Wolsey Reconsidered, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 277
Lotte MULLIGAN, Self-Scrutiny and the Study of Nature: Robert Hooke's Diary as Natural History, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 311
Iain MCCALMAN, Mad Lord George and Madame La Motte: Riot and Sexuality in the Genesis of Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 343
Antoinette BURTON, Contesting the Zenana: The Mission to Make “Lady Doctors for India,” 1874-1885, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 368
Ruth Mazo KARRAS, Recent Work on Medieval English Society [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 398
Patricia CRAWFORD, Rethinking the Familiar: Domestic Relations, Property and Law in Early Modern England [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 403
Bruce P. LENMAN, Political Identities and the Languages of Liberty in the Eighteenth Century [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 408
James OBELKEVICH, From Labor History to the History of Consumption [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 413
Cynthia J. NEVILLE, Local Sentiment and the “National” Enemy in Northern England in the Later Middle Ages, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 419
David CRESSY, Gender Trouble and Cross-Dressing in Early Modern England, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 438
Simon DEVEREAUX, The City and the Sessions Paper: “Public Justice” in London, 1770-1800, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 466
Ian Christopher FLETCHER, “A Star Chamber of the Twentieth Century”: Suffragettes, Liberals and the 1908 “Rush the Commons” Case, in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 504
Robert C. STACEY, Law, Landholding and “the Feudal Time” [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 531
Nancy W. ELLENBERGER, Land and Love, Profit, Debt and Power: Two Imporant Centuries in the Life of the British Aristocracy [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 536
Ian GENTLES, Multiple Kingdoms at War: The “English” Revolution, 1638-1651 [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 542
Clare MIDGLEY, New Imperial Histories [Review Article], in: JBS 35, 1996, p. 547

JBS 36, 1997
Margot FINN, Editor's Introduction, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 1
Ethan Howard SHAGAN, Constructing Discord: Ideology, Propaganda and English Responses to the Irish Rebellion of 1641, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 4
Vivien E. DIETZ, The Politics of Whisky: Scottish Distillers, the Excise and the Pittite State, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 35
Martha VICINUS, Lesbian Perversity and Victorian Marriage: The 1864 Codrington Divorce Trial, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 70
Alex OWEN, The Sorcerer and His Apprentice: Aleister Crowley and the Magical Exploration of Edwardian Subjectivity, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 99
Shannon MCSHEFFREY, Conceptualizing Difference: English Society in the Late Middle Ages [Review Article], in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 134
Pat THANE, Introduction: Twentieth-Century British Studies, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 141
Andrew S. THOMPSON, The Language of Imperialism and the Meanings of Empire: Imperial Discourse in British Politics, 1895-1914, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 147
Nicoletta F. GULLACE, White Feathers and Wounded Men: Female Patriotism and the Memory of the Great War, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 178
Chris WATERS, “Dark Strangers” in Our Midst: Discourse of Race and Nation in Britain, 1947-1963, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 207
Richard C. THURLOW, The Irish Negative [Review Article], in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 239
James VERNON, Englishness: The Narration of a Nation [Review Article], in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 243
Myron C. NOONKESTER, The Third British Empire: Transplanting the English Shire to Wales, Scotland, Ireland and America, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 251
Victor BAILEY, English Prisons, Penal Culture and the Abtement of Imprisonment, 1895-1922, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 285
Nicholas J. CULL, Overture to an Alliance: British Propaganda at the New York World's Fair, 1939-1940, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 325
Michael C. SCHOENFELDT, Doing Literature and History [Review Article], in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 355
Michael H. FISHER, British and Indian Interactions before the British Raj in India, 1730s-1857 [Review Article], in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 363
Michael QUESTIER, Practical Antipapistry during the Reign of Elizabeth I, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 371
David ARMITAGE, A Patriot for Whom? The Afterlives of Bolingbroke's Patriot King, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 397
Amy BLACK; Stephen BROOKE, The Labour Party, Women and the Problem of Gender, 1951-1966, in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 419
Peter HEATH, New Perspectives on the Medieval English Church [Review Article], in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 453
Margaret C. JACOB, Constructing, Deconstructing and Reconstructing the History of Science [Review Article], in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 459
Barry REAY, The Cultures of the People in Early Modern England [Review Article], in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 467
James EPSTEIN, Signs of the Social [Review Article], in: JBS 36, 1997, p. 473

JBS 37, 1998
Catherine PATTERSON, Conflict Resolution and Patronage in Provincial Towns, 1590-1640, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 1
Judith LEWIS, “'Tis a Misfortune to Be a Great Ladie”: Maternal Mortality in the British Aristocracy, 1558-1959, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 26
Paul R. DESLANDES, “The Foreign Element”: Newcomers and the Rhetoric of Race, Nation and Empire in “Oxbridge” Undergraduate Culture, 1850-1920, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 54
Philip HARLING, The Georgian Political Firmament [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 91
A. James HAMMERTON, Old Wine in New Bottles? Changing London Histories [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 98
Susan Kingsley KENT, Remembering the Great War [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 105
Brian COWAN, Reasonable Ecstasies: Shaftesbury and the Languages of Libertinism, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 111
Owen DAVIES, Newspapers and the Popular Belief in Witchcraft and Magic in the Modern Period, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 139
Carolyn MALONE, Gendered Discourses and the Making of Protective Labor Legislation in England, 1830-1914, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 166
Thomas William HEYCK, Myths and Meanings of Intellectuals in Twentieth-Century British National Identity, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 192
D.L. LEMAHIEU, The BBC and Its Competitors [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 222
Margot C. FINN, Editor's Introduction — Controlling (Mis)Behavior: Medieval and Modern Perspectives, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 229
Paul S. SEAVER, Introduction (to Symposium: Controlling Misbehavior), in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 231
Barbara A. Hanawalt, “Good Governance” in the Medieval and Early Modern Context, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 246
R.H. HELMHOLZ, Harboring Sexual Offenders: Ecclesiastical Courts and Controlling Misbehavior, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 258
Shannon MCSHEFFREY, Jurors, Respectable Masculinity and Christian Morality, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 269
Peter LAKE, Periodization, Politics and “The Social”, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 279
Marjorie K. MCINTOSH, Response (to Symposium: Controlling Misbehavior), in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 291
Robert TITTLER, Civic Portraiture and Political Culture in English Provincial Towns, ca. 1560-1640, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 306
Rosamond FAITH, Peasants, Manors and Courts in the Middle Ages [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 330
L.R. POOS, Urban Trade in Medieval England [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 337
Alastair BELLANY, The Information: Script, Print and Political Communication in Early Modern England [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 342
Geoffrey CLARK, Money and the State [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 348
Daniel SZECHI, “Cam Ye O'er Frae France?” Exile and the Mind of Scottish Jacobitism, 1716-1727, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 357
John S. ELLIS, Reconciling the Celt: British National Identity, Empire and the 1911 Investiture of the Prince of Wales, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 391
Michael SALER, Making It New: Visual Modernism and the “Myth of the North” in Interwar England, in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 419
Henrietta LEYSER, Medieval Women and the Woman Medievalist [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 441
Deborah E. HARKNESS, Entering the Labyrinth: Exploring Scientific Culture in Early Modern England [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 446
Diane WILLEN, Gender, Society and Culture, 1500-1800 [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 451
Dane KENNEDY, The Imperial Kaeidoscope [Review Article], in: JBS 37, 1998, p. 460

JBS 38, 1999
Mriel C. MCCLENDON, A Moveable Feast: Saint George's Day Celebrations and Religious Change in Early Modern England, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 1
Tim HARRIS, The People, the Law and the Constitution in Scotland and England: A Comparative Approach to the Glorious Revolution, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 28
Ian A. BURNEY, A Poisoning of No Substance: The Trials of Medico-legal Proof in Mid-Victorian England, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 59
David BATES, Medieval Historiography: Stenton, Maitland and Round [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 93
Steve PINCUS, Reconceiving Seventeenth-Century Political Culture [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 98
Mark KNIGHTS, Shifting Ideologies in Stuart England [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 112
Angela WOLLACOTT, Imperial Dis/Connections: Recent Work in Australian History [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 119
Kirk WILLIS, War, Diplomacy and Nuclear Strategy in Britain [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 125
Judith M. RICHARDS, Love and a Female Monarch: The Case of Elizabeth Tudor, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 133
Joyce Lee MALCOLM, Doing No Wrong: Law, Liberty and the Constraint of Kings, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 161
Dan BEAVER, The Great Deer Massacre: Animals, Honor and Communication in Early Modern England, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 187
Mark BEVIR, The Labour Church Movement, 1891-1902, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 217
Wolfram M. SCHMIDGEN, Disciplinary Dilemmas in the Study of Persons and Things [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 246
J.V. BECKETT, Our Green and Pleasant Land [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 252
Peter T. MARSH, Backward versus Radical Conservatives [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 261
William M. KUHN, The Future of the British Monarchy [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 267
Peter BAILEY, White Collars, Gray Lives? The Lower Middle Class Revisited, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 273
A. James HAMMERTON, Pooterism oder Partnership? Marriage and Masculine Identity in the Lower Middle Class, 1870-1920, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 291
Christopher P. HOSGOOD, “Marchantile Monasteries”: Shops, Shop Assistants and Shop Life in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Britain, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 322
Frank MORT, Social and Symbolic Fathers and Sons in Postwar Britain, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 353
Hugh MCLEOD, Religion in Nineteenth-Century Britain [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 385
Erika RAPPAPORT, New Visions of Class and Gender in the Victorian and Edwardian Metropolis [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 392
Julia CRICK, Women, Posthumous Benefaction and Family Strategy in Pre-Conquest England, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 399
Mark STOYLE, The Dissidence of Despair: Rebellion and Identity in Early Modern Cornwall, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 423
Robert G. HALL, Chartism Remembered: William Aitken, Liberalism and the Politics of Memory, in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 445
Vivien E. DIETZ, Gender, Commerce and Service: Society and the Economy in Eighteenth-Century England [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 471
Luise WHITE, Sex, Soap and Colonial Studies [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 478
Steven FIELDING, The Labour Party and the Politics of Democracy [Review Article], in: JBS 38, 1999, p. 486

JBS 39, 2000
Ann HUGHES, Introduction, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 1
Thomas FREEMAN, “The Good Ministrye of Godlye and Vertuouse Women”: The Elizabethan Martyrologists and the Female Supporters of the Marian Martyrs, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 8
Peter LAKE; David COMO, “Orthodoxy” and Its Discontents: Dispute Settlement and the Production of “Consensus” in the London (Puritan) “Underground”, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 34
Michael P. WINSHIP, “The Most Glorious Church in the World”: The Unity of the Godly in Boston, Massachusetts, in the 1630s, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 71
Steve HINDLE, Prayers for the Dying in Early Modern England [Review Article], in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 99
Andrew MCRAE, Dividing Seventeenth-Century England [Review Article], in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 106
Eliga H. GOULD, An Empire of Manners: The Refinement of British America in Atlantic Perspective [Review Article], in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 114
Margo TODD, Profane Pastimes and the Reformed Community: The Persistence of Popular Festivities in Early Modern Scotland, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 123
Julia RUDOLPH, Rape and Resistance: Women and Consent in Seventeenth-Century English Legal and Political Thought, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 157
Alex TYRRELL, Samules Smiles and the Woman Question in Early Victorian Britain, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 185
John BELCHEM, The Little Manx Nation: Antiquarianism, Ethnic Identity and Home Rule Politics in the Isle of Man, 1880-1918, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 217
Kim Marie PHILLIPS, Where Should We Be Going with Medieval Women and Gender? [Review Article], in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 241
William C. LUBENOW, University History and the History of Universities in the Nineteenth Century [Review Article], in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 247
Patrick GRIFFIN, Defining the Limits of Britishness: The “New” British History and the Meaning of the Revolution Settlement in Ireland for Ulster's Presbyterians, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 263
Anna GAMBLES, Free Trade and State Formation: The Politicla Economy of Fisheries Policy in Britain and the United Kingdom circa 1780-1850, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 288
Dane KENNEDY, “Captain Burton's Oriental Muck Heap”: The Book of the Thousand Nights and the Uses of Orientalism, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 317
Laura E. Nym MAYHALL, Defining Militancy: Radical Protest, the Constitutional Idiom and Women's Suffrage in Britain, 1908-1909, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 340
Wilfrid PREST, Law Tricks [Review Article], in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 372
Peter MANDLER, After the Welfare State [Review Article], in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 382
D. Alan ORR, England, Ireland, Magna Carta and the Common Law: The Case of Connor Lord Maguire, Second Baron of Enniskillen, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 389
Timothy JENKS, Contesting the Hero: The Funeral of Admiral Lord Nelson, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 422
Michael SILVESTRI, “The Sinn Féin of India”: Irish Nationalism and the Policing of Revolutionary Terrorism in Bengal, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 454
Nancy W. ELLENBERGER, Constructing George Wyndham: narratives of Aristocratic Masculinity in Fin-de-Siècle England, in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 487
Isaac LAND, Eighteenth Century Masculinity [Review Article], in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 518
Reba N. SOFFER, Intellectuals and Intellectual History [Review Article], in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 526
Peter HOFFENBERG, “There's No Place Like Home” [Review Article], in: JBS 39, 2000, p. 535

JBS 40, 2001
Paul HYAMS, Feud and the State in Late Anglo-Saxon England, in: JBS 40, 2001, p. 1
Fiona KISBY, “When the King Goeth a Procession”: Chapel Ceremonies and Services, the Ritual Year and Religious Reforms at the Early Tudor Court, 1485-1547, in: JBS 40, 2001, p. 44
Ingrid H. TAGUE, Love, Honor and Obedience: Fashionable Women and the Discourse of Marriage in the Early Eighteenth Century, in: JBS 40, 2001, p. 75
Paul READMAN, The Conservative Party, Patriotism and British Politics: The Case of the General Election of 1900, in: JBS 40, 2001, p. 107
Simon DEVEREAUX, New Histories of British Policing [Review Article], in: JBS 40, 2001, p. 146
Stephen BROOKE, Identities in Twentieth-Century Britain [Review Article], in: JBS 40, 2001, p. 151
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JBS 41, 2002
James EPSTEIN; Nicholas ROGERS, Editors' Introduction, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 1
Sean FIELD, Devotion, Discontent and the Henrician Reformation: the Evidence of the Robin Hood Stories, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 6
Sarah LLOYD, Pleasing Spectacles and Elegant Dinners. Conviviality, Benevolence and Charity Anniversaries in Eighteenth-Century London, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 23
Nadja DURBACH, Class, Gender and the Conscientious Objector to Vaccination, 1898-1907, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 58
Isabel HOFMEYR, How Bunyan Became English: Missionaries, Translation and the Discipline of English Literature, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 84
   Reviews of Books, p. 120
John A. SHEDD, Thwarted Victors: Civil and Criminal Prosecution against Parliament's Officials during the English Civil War and Commonwealth, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 139
Philip HICKS, Catharine Macaulay's Civil War: Gender, History and Republicanism in Georgian Britain, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 170
Catherine ELLIS, The Younger Generation: The Labour Party and the 1959 Youth Commission, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 199
Paul A. FIDELER, Varieties of Early Modern Political Culture [Review Article], in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 232
Kevin SHARPE, Print, Polemics and Politics in Seventeeth-Century England [Review Article], in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 244
James EPSTEIN, Introduction: New Directions in Political History, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 255
Anne MCLAREN, The Quest for a King: Gender, Marriage and Succession in Elizabethan England, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 259
Kevin GILMARTIN, In the Theater of Counterrevolution: Loyalist Association and Conservative Opinion in the 1790s, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 291
Kevin GRANT, Bones of Contention: The Repatriation of the Remains of Roger Casement, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 329
Martin FRANCIS, Tears, Tantrums and Bared Teeth: The Emotional Economy of Three Conservative Prime Ministers, 1951-1963, in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 354
Annabel PATTERSON, “Ideas seldom exist apart from practice”: Turning over Millennial New Leaves [Review Article], in: JBS 41, 2002, p. 388
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Datum der Erstanlage: Sonntag, 1. Juli 2001 — Letzte Änderung: 2. Dezember 2002 von Stuart Jenks (für ein korrekt adressiertes E-Post-Formular meinen Namen mit der Maus anklicken!)