Archaeologia Cantiana 119, 1999

Archaeologia Cantiana
Bd. 119, 1999

entered by Stuart Jenks / UCL
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Archaeologia Cantiana 149, 1999
Michael L. ZELL, Kent's Elizabethan JPs at Work, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 1
Keith PARLITT, Anglo-Saxon Eastry: Some Recent Discoveries and Excavations, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 45
Paul LEE, Orthodox Parish Religion and Chapels of Ease in late Medieval England: the Case of St George's Chapel in Gravesend, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 55
Mark HOULISTON, Excavations at the Mount Roman Villa, Maidstone, 1994, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 71
Diana WEBB, The Saint of Newington: Who was Robert le Bouser?, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 173
Helen GLASS, Archaeology of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 189
Malcolm MERCER, Lancastrian Loyalism in Kent during the Wars of the Roses, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 221
Alison M.A.. WILLIAMS, Patterns of Inheritance and Attitudes to Women Revealed in Wills: the Tonbridge Area 1500-1560, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 245
Paul ASHBEE, The Medway Megaliths in a European Context, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 269
Colin FLIGHT, Parish Churches in the Diocese of Rochester, c. 1320-c. 1520, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 285
Dave LAKIN, A Romano-British Settlement at Summerton Way, Thamesmead, London Borough of Bexley, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 311
F. H. PANTON, Canterbury Court of Guardians: Eighteenth Century – a Postscript., in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 343
Peter MOORE, Excavations at the site of West Court Manor House, Chalk, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 353
Researches and Discoveries in Kent:
   Acheulan Hand-Axes: Herne Bay Reculver, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 369
   Acheulian and Later Prehistoric Finds. Broadstairs, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 369
   Late Neolithic and Bronze Age Barrows: North Foreland, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 373
   Prehistoric Occupation evidence; Medieval Tile: Yorkletts, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 374
   Early Iron Age Settlement: Margate, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 375
   Late Bronze Age /Iron Age Occupation: Boughton Monchelsea, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 376
   Two La Tène I Brooches: Waldershare and Preston-by-Wingham, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 376
   Iron Age and Later Pottery: Eastrv, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 378
   Late Iron Age Pottery: Dartford, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 381
   A 'Belgic' Cremation: Deal , in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 381
   Romano-British Cremation: Bobbing, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 389
   Roman Building Material: Wye, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 392
   Roman Villa Site (Abbey Farm): Minster-in-Thanet, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 393
   A Bird Mount and other Early Anglo-Saxon Finds: Ripple/Ringwould, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 394
   British-Made Silver Spoon: Barham Down, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 398
   Thirteenth-Century Sea Defënces: Sandwich, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 400
   The Northwood Brasses: Minster-in-Sheppey, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 401
   Late Medieval Face Pot. St Augustine's, Canterbury, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 404
   Lead medalette: Shoreham, in: Archaeologia Cantiana, 119, 1999, p. 408

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Datum der Erstanlage: Samstag, 13. Januar 2001 — Letzte Änderung: 13. Januar 2001 von Stuart Jenks (für ein korrekt adressiertes E-Post-Formular meinen Namen mit der Maus anklicken!)