ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966-15, 1982

Acta historiae Neerlandica (ActaHistNeerl)
Bd. 1, 1966 – Bd. 15, 1982

bearbeitet von Dieter Rübsamen

Erstellt mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main

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ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966
   Ten geleide. Introduction. Avertissment. Zum Geleit, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. (IX-XIII)
   Voorwoord van de redactieraad. Editorial preface. Avantpropos du Conseil de Rédaction. Vorwort des Redaktionsausschusses, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. (XVII-XVIII)
A. B. BREEBAART, Weltgeschichts als Thema der antiken Geschichtsschreibung, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 1-21
A. G. WEILER, Deus in Terris: Mittelalterliche Wurzeln der totalitären Ideologie, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 22-52
Z. R. DITTRICH, Wittfogel and Russia: On the Origin of Russian Autocracy, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 53-66
C. VAN DE KIEFT, Monopole de vente du “gruit” (produit végétal employé dans la fabricatoin de la bière) et droit de ban , in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 67-81
L. SCHÖFFER, Did Holland's Golden Age co-incide with a Period of Crisis?, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 82-107
J. A. FABER, The Decline of the Baltic Grain-Trade in the Second Half of the 17th Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 108-131
J. C. BOOGMAN, Background and General Tendencies of the Foreign Policies of The Netherlands and Belgium in the Middle of the 19th Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 132-158
J. M. G. VAN DER POEL, Agriculture in Pre- and Protohistoric Times, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 159-170
Johanna Maria van WINTER, The ministerial and knightly classes in Guelders and Zutphen, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 171-186
P. W. KLEIN, The Trip Family in the 17th Century: A Study of the Behaviour of the Entrepreneur on the Dutch Staple Market, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 187-211
H. BAUDET; I. J. BRUGMANS, Colonial Policy weighed: The Last Fifty Years of the Dutch East Indies in Retrospect, in: ActaHistNeerl 1, 1966, S. 212-245

ActaHistNeerl 2, 1967
H. W. Pleket, Technology and Society in the Graeco-Roman World, in: ActaHistNeerl 2, 1967, S. 1-25
Bernard H. SLICHER VAN BATH, The Yields of different Crops (mainly cereals) in relation to the Seed c. 810-1820, in: ActaHistNeerl 2, 1967, S. 26-106
J. G. STORK-PENNING, The Ordeal of the State. Some Remarks on Dutch Policy during the War of the Spanish Succession, in: ActaHistNeerl 2, 1967, S. 107-141
J. D. THIJS, The Influence on Asia on the Rise of Japan and her Victory over Russia, in: ActaHistNeerl 2, 1967, S. 142-162
A. F. MANNING, Der Verein Deutscher Ingenieure und der Nationalsozialismus, in: ActaHistNeerl 2, 1967, S. 163-187
D. J. ROORDA, Party and Faction, in: ActaHistNeerl 2, 1967, S. 188-221
B. E. De MUINCK, A Regent's Family Budget about the Year 1700, in: ActaHistNeerl 2, 1967, S. 222-232
J. HAAK, La discussion sur la constitution civile du clergé, in: ActaHistNeerl 2, 1967, S. 233-259
I.J. BURGMANS, The Economic History of the Netherlands in the 19th and 20th Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 2, 1967, S. 260-298

ActaHistNeerl 3, 1968
M. A. M. FRANKEN, The General Tendencies and Structural Aspects of the Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of the Dutch Republic in the Latter Half of the 17th Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 3, 1968, S. 1-42
E. E. HOFSTEE, Population Increase in the Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 3, 1968, S. 43-125
Z. R. DITTRICH, Fascism, a Troublesome Question, in: ActaHistNeerl 3, 1968, S. 126-140
A. V. N. VAN WOERDEN, Hitler faces England: Theories, Images and Policies, in: ActaHistNeerl 3, 1968, S. 141-159
Olav van KAPPEN, Histoire des Tziganes aux Pays-Bas. L'évolution du statut des “Paiens” ou “Egyptiens” dans les Pays-Bas du Nord (1420-1750), in: ActaHistNeerl 3, 1968, S. 160-188
Theo P. M. De JONG, Atlantis 1780-1830, in: ActaHistNeerl 3, 1968, S. 189-214
Th. VAN TIJN, Twenty Years in the History of Amsterdam. The Social Development of the Dutch Capital from the Mid-Nineteenth Century till 1876, in: ActaHistNeerl 3, 1968, S. 215-246
Ph. De VRIES, The Writing and Study of History in the Netherlands in the 19th Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 3, 1968, S. 247-265
H. HARDENBERG, Archives in the Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 3, 1968, S. 266-287

ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970
D. VAN ARKEL, Clio and Minerva: Social History and Social Science, in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 1-19
W. BRULEZ, The Balance of Trade of the Netherlands in the Middle of the 16th Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 20-48
J. CRAEYBECKX, The Brabant Revolution: a conservative Revolt in a backward Country?, in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 49-83
J. F. R. PHILIPS, Die Agrarstruktur Südlimburgs in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts im Vergleich zu den angrenzenden deutschen und belgischen Lössgebieten, in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 84-104
H. K. ROESSINGH, Village and Hamlet in a sandy Region of the Netherlands in the Middle of the 18th Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 105-129
J. W. SCHULTE NORDHOLT, Ralph Waldo Emerson and the World of political Reality, in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 130-145
F. VAN DONGEN, The cautious Imperialists, in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 146-169
A. M. LAURET, Par Mandat Impératif. Contribution à l'histoire de l'enseignement et de l'éducation catholique aux Pays Bas et principalement de l'oeuvre des Soeurs de la Charité de Tilburg, in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 170-183
J. W. OERLEMANS, Authority and Freedom 1800-1914. A historical Inquiry to Resistance against the industrial Society, in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 184-216
C. S. M. RADEMAKER, Gerardus Joannes Vossius (1577-1649), in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 217-233
D. VAN VELDEN, The Japanese civilian Internment Camps during the second World War, in: ActaHistNeerl 4, 1970, S. 234-275

ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971
R. VAN UYTVEN, The Fulling Mill: Dynamic of the Revolution in industrial Attitudes, in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 1-14
Chr. VANDENBROEK, Cultivation and Consumption of the Potato in the 17th and 18th Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 15-39
F. W. N. HUGENHOLTZ, Le Déclin du Moyen Age (1919-1969), in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 40-51
H. VAN DER WEE, The Economy as a Factor in the Start of the Revolt in the Southern Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 52-67
Th. J. HOONING, George Orwell in his Time, in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 68-102
M. J. F. ROBIJNS, Les Radicaux aux Pays-Bas (1840-1851), in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 103-134
M. CLOET, Religious Life in a rural Deanery in Flanders during the 17th Century. Tielt from 1609 to 1700, in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 135-158
J. A. DE JONGE, Industrial Growth in the Netherlands (1850-1914), in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 159-212
F. R. J. KNETSCH, Pierre Jurieu: Theologian and Politician of the Dispersion, in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 213-242
J. C. G. M. JANSEN, Agrarian Development and Exploitation in South Limburg in the years 1650-1850, in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 243-270
P. BLAAS, An Attempt at Integral History, in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 271-315
J. M. G. VAN DER POEL, A hundred Years agricultural Mechanization in the Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 5, 1971, S. 316-325

ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973
   Preface, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. VII
Wilfrid BRULEZ, Bruges et Antwerp in the 15th and 16th Centuries: an Antithesis?, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. 1-26
A. C. F. KOCH, The Reformation at Deventer in 1579-1580. Size and social Structure of the Catholic Section of the Population during the Religious Peace, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. 27-66
E. H. KOSSMANN, Enlightened Conservatism: the Case of Elie Luzac, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. 67-82
F. C. SPITS, Ideology and Constitution, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. 83-111
Joh. DE VRIES, From Keystone to Cornerstone. Hoogovens IJmuiden 1918-1968. The Birth and Development of a basic Industry in the Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. 112-145
P. L. GESCHIERE, The Education Issue in the Dutch East Indies in the Twentieth Century. Opinions on the Question of “Western Education” versus “National Education”, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. 146-174
Alice C. CARTER, Survey of recent Dutch Historiography, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. 175-200
J. DHONDT, Belgian Historiography written in Dutch, 1969-1971, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. 201-219

ActaHistNeerl 8, 1974
Walter PREVENIER, Officials in Town and Countryside in the Low Countries. Social and Professional Developments from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth-Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 7, 1974, S. 1-17
R. VAN UYTTEN, What is New Socially and Economically in the Sixteenth-Century Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 7, 1974, S. 18-53
J. J. POELHEKKE, The Nameless Homeland of Erasmus, in: ActaHistNeerl 7, 1974, S. 54-87
J. R. BRUYN, Dutch Men-of-War. Those on Board c. 1700-1750, in: ActaHistNeerl 7, 1974, S. 88-121
J. C. BOOGMAN, Thorbecke, A Liberal Statesman, in: ActaHistNeerl 7, 1974, S. 122-125
J. C. BOOGMAN, Thorbecke, Challenge and Response, in: ActaHistNeerl 7, 1974, S. 126-145
J. A. BORNEWASSER, Thorbecke and the Churches, in: ActaHistNeerl 7, 1974, S. 146-169
J. G. HEGEMAN, Darwin and our Forefathers. Dutch Reactions on the Theory of Evolution 1860-1875: A Field Survey, in: ActaHistNeerl 7, 1974, S. 170-220
Alice C. CARTER, Survey of recent Dutch Historiography, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. 221-252
Wim BLOCKMANS; W. BRULEZ; R. VAN EENOO, Belgian Historiography written in Dutch, 1971-1973, in: ActaHistNeerl 6, 1973, S. 253-265

ActaHistNeerl 8, 1975
C. DEKKER, The Representation of the Freeholders in the Drainage Districts of Zeeland West of the Scheldt during the Middle Ages, in: ActaHistNeerl 8, 1975, S. 1-30
H. SOLY, The “Betrayal” of the Sixteenth-Century Bourgeoisie: A Myth? Some Considerations of the Behaviour Pattern of the Merchants of Antwerp in the Sixteenth Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 8, 1975, S. 31-49
J. H. VAN STUIJVENBERG, “The” Weber Thesis: An Attempt at Interpretation, in: ActaHistNeerl 8, 1975, S. 50-66
A. Th. VAN DEURSEN, History and Prognostication, in: ActaHistNeerl 8, 1975, S. 67-84
M. MÜLLER, Ten years of Guerilla-Warfare and Slave Rebellions in Surinam, 1750-1759, in: ActaHistNeerl 8, 1975, S. 85-102
E. WITTE, Political Power Struggle in and around the Main Belgian Cities 1830-1848, in: ActaHistNeerl 8, 1975, S. 103-122
P. W. KLEIN, Depression and Policy in the Thirties, in: ActaHistNeerl 8, 1975, S. 123-158
Alice C. CARTER, Survey of Recent Historical Works on Belgium and the Netherlands Published in Dutch, in: ActaHistNeerl 8, 1975, S. 159-200

ActaHistNeerl 9, 1976
N. MOUT, Political and Religious Ideas of Netherlanders at the Court in Prague, in: ActaHistNeerl 9, 1976, S. 1-29
E. STOLS, The Southern Netherlands and the Foundation of the Dutch East and West India Companies, in: ActaHistNeerl 9, 1976, S. 30-47
R. BAETENS, The Organization and Effects of Flemish Privateering in the Seventeenth Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 9, 1976, S. 48-75
H. VAN DIJK; D. J. ROORDA, Social Mobility under the Regents of the Republic, in: ActaHistNeerl 9, 1976, S. 76-102
P. J. VAN KESSEL, The Attitude of the Roman Curia on the French Revolution and its Opposite Effects in the Southern and Northern Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 9, 1976, S. 103-120
H. BALTHAZAR, A Study of Wealth and Income in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, in: ActaHistNeerl 9, 1976, S. 121-142
C. A. TAMSE, The Role of Small Countries in the International Politics of the 1860s: The Netherlands and Belgium in Europe, in: ActaHistNeerl 9, 1976, S. 143-169
B. A. SIJES, The Position of the Jews during the German Occupation of the Netherlands: Some Observations, in: ActaHistNeerl 9, 1976, S. 170-192
R. L. JONES; K. W. SWART, Survey of Recent Historical Works on Belgium and the Netherlands Published in Dutch, in: ActaHistNeerl 9, 1976, S. 193-244

ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978
J. P. H. JANSE, Holland's Advance, in: ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978, S. 1-19
Wim BLOCKMANS; Walter Prevenier, Poverty in Flanders and Brabant from the Fourteenth to the Mid-Sixteenth Century: Sources and Problems, in: ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978, S. 20-57
H. VAN DER WEE, Prices and Wages as Development Variables: A Comparison between England and the Southern Netherlands, 1400-1700, in: ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978, S. 58-78
Jan DE VRIES, An Inquiry into the Behaviour of Wages in the Dutch Republic and the Southern Netherlands, 1580-1800, in: ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978, S. 79-97
Peter JANSEN, Poverty in Amsterdam of the Close at the Eighteenth Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978, S. 98-116
J. W. SCHULTE NORDHOLT, Gijsbert Karel van Hogendorp in America, 1783-1784, in: ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978, S. 117-142
C. FASSEUR, Some Remarks on the Cultivation System in Java, in: ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978, S. 143-162
J. C. H. BLOM, The Mutiny on board De Zeven Provincien: Reaction and Repercussions in the Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978, S. 163-174
H. DAALDER, Dutch Jews in a Segmented Society, in: ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978, S. 175-194
Rosemary L. JONES; K. W. SWART, Survey of Recent Historical Works on Belgium and the Netherlands Published in Dutch, in: ActaHistNeerl 10, 1978, S. 195-254

ActaHistNeerl 11, 1978
M. BAELDE, The Pacification of Ghent in 1576: Hope and Uncertainty in the Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 11, 1978, S. 1-17
H. K. ROESSINGH, Tobacco Growing in Holland in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: A Case Study on the Innovative Spirit of Dutch Peasants, in: ActaHistNeerl 11, 1978, S. 18-54
J. C. BOOGMAN, The Raison d'état – Politician Johan de Witt, in: ActaHistNeerl 11, 1978, S. 55-78
J. R. BRUIJN, Dutch Privateering during the Second and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars, in: ActaHistNeerl 11, 1978, S. 79-93
F. J. A. BROEZE, Atlantic Rivalry. The Struggle for the Dutch Tea Market 1813-1850, in: ActaHistNeerl 11, 1978, S. 94-127
A. Th. VAN DEURSEN, The Negro Slave in Nineteenth-Century Surinam, in: ActaHistNeerl 11, 1978, S. 128-142
J. J. GIELE, The Opposition of the “People's Men” (1850-1869), in: ActaHistNeerl 11, 1978, S. 143-167
L. SCHEPENS, King Albert and the Peace (1915-1918), in: ActaHistNeerl 11, 1978, S. 168-180
C. R. EMERY; K. W. SWART, Survey of Recent Historical Works on Belgium and the Netherlands Published in Dutch, in: ActaHistNeerl 11, 1978, S. 181-215

ActaHistNeerl 12, 1979
C. DEKKER, The Formation of Archdeaconries in the Diocese of Utrecht in the Second Half of the Eleventh Century and the First Quarter of the Twelfth, in: ActaHistNeerl 12, 1979, S. 1-28
G. ASAERT, Antwerp Ships in English Harbours in the Fifteenth Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 12, 1979, S. 29-47
W. NIJENHUIS, Variants within Durch Calvinism in the Sixteenth Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 12, 1979, S. 48-64
P. VAN PETEGHEM, Flanders in 1576: Revolutionary or Reactionary?, in: ActaHistNeerl 12, 1979, S. 65-84
D. J. ROORDA, William III and the Utrecht “Government-Regulation”: Background, Events and Problems, in: ActaHistNeerl 12, 1979, S. 85-109
K. VAN DER POLS, The Introduction of the Steam Engine to the Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 12, 1979, S. 110-125
C. R. EMERY; K. W. SWART, Survey of Recent Historical Works on Belgium and the Netherlands , in: ActaHistNeerl 12, 1979, S. 126-164

ActaHistNeerl 13, 1980
H. P. H. JANSEN; P. C. M. HOPPENBROUWERS, Military Obligations in Mediaeval Holland. The Burden of the Host, in: ActaHistNeerl 13, 1980, S. 1-24
E. THOEN, Warfare and the Countryside. Social and Economic Aspects of the Military Destruction in Flanders during the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, in: ActaHistNeerl 13, 1980, S. 25-39
F. R. J. KNETSCH, The National Synod of Dordrecht, 1578, and the Position of the Walloon Churches, in: ActaHistNeerl 13, 1980, S. 40-50
J. A. FABER, Times of Dearth and Famines in Pre-Industrial Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 13, 1980, S. 51-64
P. J. MIDDELHOFEN, Auctions at Amsterdam of Northern European Pinewood, 1717-1808. A Contribution to the History of Prices in the Netherlands, in: ActaHistNeerl 13, 1980, S. 65-89
E. WITTE, Changes in the Belgian Elite in 1830. A Provisional Study, in: ActaHistNeerl 13, 1980, S. 90-113
J. H. VAN STUIJVENBERG, A Reconsideration of the Origins of the Agricultural Cooperative, in: ActaHistNeerl 13, 1980, S. 114-132
C. R. EMERY; K. W. SWART, Survey of Recent Historical Works on Belgium and the Netherlands Published in Dutch, in: ActaHistNeerl 13, 1980, S. 133-191

ActaHistNeerl 14, 1981
E. H. KOSSMANN, Popular Sovereignty at the Beginnung of the Dutch Ancien Régime, in: ActaHistNeerl 14, 1981, S. 1-28
E. J. DE JONG, Union and Religion, in: ActaHistNeerl 14, 1981, S. 29-49
A. Th. VAN DEURSEN, Between Unity and Independence: The Application of the Union as a Fundamental Law, in: ActaHistNeerl 14, 1981, S. 50-64
W. BRULEZ, Shipping Profits in the Early Modern Period, in: ActaHistNeerl 14, 1981, S. 65-84
J. P. VAN DER VOORT, Durch Capital in the West Indies during the Eighteenth Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 14, 1981, S. 85-105
H. COPPEJANS, The Belgian Textile Industry on New Roads through the Adoption of a New Mental Attitude, in: ActaHistNeerl 14, 1981, S. 106-123
R. JURRIENS, The Miners' General Strike in the Dutch Province of Limburg (21 June – 2 July 1917), in: ActaHistNeerl 14, 1981, S. 124-153
R. ABMA, The Labour Plan and the Social Democratic Workers' Party, in: ActaHistNeerl 14, 1981, S. 154-182
C. R. EMERY; J. A. KOSSMANN, Survey of Recent Historical Works on Belgium and the Netherlands Published in Dutch, in: ActaHistNeerl 14, 1981, S. 182-220

ActaHistNeerl 15, 1982
J. DE BELDER, Changes in the Socio-Economic Status of the Belgian Nobility in the Nineteenth Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 15, 1982, S. 1-20
R. W. J. M. BOS, Industrializsation and Economic Growth in the Netherlands during the Nineteenth Century: An Integration of Recent Studies, in: ActaHistNeerl 15, 1982, S. 21-58
G. TEITLER, A “New” and an “Old Trend”: Military Thinking in the Netherlands and the Dutch East around the Turn of the Century, in: ActaHistNeerl 15, 1982, S. 59-77
C. B. WELS, VAN Karnebee' s Break with Tradition, in: ActaHistNeerl 15, 1982, S. 78-101
C. FASSEUR, A Cheque Drawn on a Failing Bank: The Address Delivered by Queen Wilhelmina on 6th/7th December 1942, in: ActaHistNeerl 15, 1982, S. 102-116
A. MEYNEN, The Great Strike of 1960-61: Its Economic and Socio-Political Background, in: ActaHistNeerl 15, 1982, S. 117-136
C. R. EMERY; J. A. KOSSMANN, Survey of Recent Historical Works on Belgium and the Netherlands Published in Dutch, in: ActaHistNeerl 15, 1982, S. 137-204

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